Custom Components for casting dies

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Custom components for casting dies

When a drawing or CAD data is provided, we manufacture customized components not only limited to plastic mold, stamping dies but also casting dies, FA components, medical parts, jigs, non-ferrous components, and even assembly components regardless of the quantity.

All our components for die and mold are made from material according to international standard, with quite satisfied level for quality stability and precision by warranty. We are especially good at custom sized components, cores, or cavities.

Custom Core and Cavity for casting die

A complete core and cavity set of casting die

Casting die machining

Casting die machining

Surface finish: Black  oxidize

Casting die machining

Casting die machining

Surface finish: Black  oxidize

Casting die core pin

Standard Casting die core pin

Core pins for casting die

Core pins for casting dies.

Ready to find out more?

Drop us a line today for a free quote!